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McCook Humane Society




The McCook Humane Society was formed in 1983 by a group of citizens concerned by the housing that was being used by the City of McCook to house and care for stray animals. The first efforts focused on finding new homes for the strays and making their stay a bit more comfortable while impounded.

Through a lot of diligent efforts, donations of money and many hours of volunteer labor the Animal Shelter was built on South Street and a lease agreement with the City of McCook was established.

The shelter has been improved through the years and is a facility to be proud of. These improvements have been possible through donations and other fund raising projects throughout the years. The effort continues to insure that neglected and unwanted animals of the area are taken care of and new homes provided.

MHS is a nonprofit organization supported by voluntary donations and remains an independent organization dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for abused, neglected, and abandoned animals in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas.

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